Interior sketching

My rules in drawing interior sketches

Quality and speed are essential during working on a commercial project.

During 5 years of commercial drawing, I developed the following rules for myself:

1. To make objects easy to edit, I place them on separate layers or on one so that they do not overlap each other.

2. Use Alpha Lock, Clipping Mask, and Mask during the drawing. So I try to keep the object in its basic form and only apply the required effects.

3. I always make changes to a project in a new document copy. It allows me to go back to a previous version quickly.

4. I use resolution in 300 DPI for the document and min. size for the canvas 40 x 30 cm.

5. For the Transformation tool, I use Bicubic interpolation. It offers the sharpest and most accurate result for an image.

Hand-drawn interior rendering is unique in terms of the artist's execution technique, and you can quickly make changes to the sketch and create a few versions
There is a constant analysis of how light and shadows fall during the drawing process. We are constantly taking out similar patterns from memory to transfer them back to the sketch.

To develop the drawing technique, I recommend my students of my masterclass and beginners to use the following methods:

⭐️Draw objects from nature / from photos. It is not necessary to draw the whole interior in the beginning. Choose one object: a pillow or a chair and draw it looking at the photo.
✨Try to draw this object later without a photo.

⭐️My favorite practice is to observe in ordinary life how the light and shadows fall in the room, on the street in the early morning or evening.

⭐️Another one of my favorite practices is looking at a photo, then closing my eyes and imagining this subject in my imagination, focusing on its details. If I understand that I don’t remember some details, then I open my eyes and look at the photo again.

If you have your techniques for training the drawing skill, please share them☺️

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